Honest Critiques
No, I mean it. REAL honest. Email your excerpts or full stories, up to 1000 words or so, to honestcrits [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk. Synopses would also be welcome. My backlog is so daunting now that I recommend not submitting anything you are not prepared to wait a couple of months for a response on.
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Funny and not so funny
Point yourself over here - it made me laugh, anyway.
The site is still knackered in various significant ways, after my massive hubris in fiddling with some browser settings and declaring it fixed. In doing so I have in fact probably re-broken it in a subtle and cunning manner that would be the envy of malicious hackers everywhere. So I may have to look at getting a new template or a new web address somewhere. My brother, who is to IT what Michael Bay is to bad movies, is on the case.
The site is still knackered in various significant ways, after my massive hubris in fiddling with some browser settings and declaring it fixed. In doing so I have in fact probably re-broken it in a subtle and cunning manner that would be the envy of malicious hackers everywhere. So I may have to look at getting a new template or a new web address somewhere. My brother, who is to IT what Michael Bay is to bad movies, is on the case.
Torgo, 7:32 pm
And I thought I was having way too much fun with my computer. Ann
, at
Most of it looks OK, but your apostrophes and quote marks look like a bunch of weird symbols.
, at
Well, actually, it's just Stranger's first short story. Further down everything seems OK.
, at
Rather looks like those symbols in the comics for swearing.
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I fell like I'm missing out on all the fun! Everything looks fine on my screen. Question marks, quotes, apostrophes, all have a normal appearance. Maybe it's me, yee-gads, maybe I'm so weird that eveything strange looks normal!
It's all part of a fiendish plot, Bonnie.
More crits to come tomorrow.
More crits to come tomorrow.
Scary... I see some errors, but not many. Site is most interesting though, I look forward to reading more! Do keep posting!
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It is the estimable Phoenix linking to me in the comments thread of PW - thanks Phoenix.
Very interesting.
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