Honest Critiques

No, I mean it. REAL honest. Email your excerpts or full stories, up to 1000 words or so, to honestcrits [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk. Synopses would also be welcome. My backlog is so daunting now that I recommend not submitting anything you are not prepared to wait a couple of months for a response on.
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  • Wednesday, September 14, 2005


    Oh dear. The top ad in my little ad block is for PublishAmerica, who say - "We want your book, not your money."

    Just in case anyone reading this doesn't know about PA, here's a link to the Absolute Write forums, with all the information you need. And please, please don't touch them with a ten-foot pole.

    You can probably check out most of my other advertisers there too...
    Torgo, 9:04 am


    Also check out Prediters & Editers and WriterBeware.
    Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:13 pm  
    I noticed those ads yesterday. They were all for self-publishers. Today you have one for scarey horoscopes! You are very brave Torgo! With those ads, you never know what you're going to get!
    Blogger Bonnie S. Calhoun, at 2:36 pm  
    I've added PublishAmerica to AdSense's competitive ad filter, so once it's taken effect those weasels shouldn't be 'taking up space that I require for other purposes', as Bertie Wooster had it.
    Blogger Torgo, at 2:47 pm  
    You can turn the Google ads off.
    Blogger Gabriele Campbell, at 11:02 pm  
    But then I would be deprived of my tenpence a week...
    Blogger Torgo, at 12:53 am  
    I dunno. Is tenpence worth it? The horoscope thing says: warning- very freaky disturbing @ crucifies.com. P.S. I'm american, how much is a tenpence?
    Blogger Bonnie S. Calhoun, at 1:40 am  
    About fifteen dollars at today's exchange rates...

    No, I'm joking. About 18 cents.
    Blogger Torgo, at 11:04 am  

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